Tag iot

Example of MQTT with Mosquitto

Mosquitto is a message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT is very used in IOT to share info between devices. In this post we will simulate a communication between...

Programing ESP-8266

On the web we can find differents ways to program a ESP-8266 but in this post I’ll show you what way it works for me.

Control of RST01BL Bluetooth Light Bulb with Home Assistant

This project provides to be a guide for the control of the RST01BL bluetooth light bulb and its integration with Home Assistant

Tag arduino

Example of MQTT with Mosquitto

Mosquitto is a message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT is very used in IOT to share info between devices. In this post we will simulate a communication between...

Programing ESP-8266

On the web we can find differents ways to program a ESP-8266 but in this post I’ll show you what way it works for me.

Control of RST01BL Bluetooth Light Bulb with Home Assistant

This project provides to be a guide for the control of the RST01BL bluetooth light bulb and its integration with Home Assistant


Control of RST01BL Bluetooth Light Bulb with Home Assistant

This project provides to be a guide for the control of the RST01BL bluetooth light bulb and its integration with Home Assistant

Tag bluetooth

Control of RST01BL Bluetooth Light Bulb with Home Assistant

This project provides to be a guide for the control of the RST01BL bluetooth light bulb and its integration with Home Assistant

Tag home assistant

Programing ESP-8266

On the web we can find differents ways to program a ESP-8266 but in this post I’ll show you what way it works for me.

Control of RST01BL Bluetooth Light Bulb with Home Assistant

This project provides to be a guide for the control of the RST01BL bluetooth light bulb and its integration with Home Assistant

Tag bulb

Control of RST01BL Bluetooth Light Bulb with Home Assistant

This project provides to be a guide for the control of the RST01BL bluetooth light bulb and its integration with Home Assistant

Tag esp8266

Programing ESP-8266

On the web we can find differents ways to program a ESP-8266 but in this post I’ll show you what way it works for me.

Tag FT232RL

Programing ESP-8266

On the web we can find differents ways to program a ESP-8266 but in this post I’ll show you what way it works for me.

Tag ESP-8266

Programing ESP-8266

On the web we can find differents ways to program a ESP-8266 but in this post I’ll show you what way it works for me.

Tag mqtt

Example of MQTT with Mosquitto

Mosquitto is a message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT is very used in IOT to share info between devices. In this post we will simulate a communication between...

Tag mosquitto

Example of MQTT with Mosquitto

Mosquitto is a message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT is very used in IOT to share info between devices. In this post we will simulate a communication between...

Tag example

Example of MQTT with Mosquitto

Mosquitto is a message broker that implements the MQTT protocol. MQTT is very used in IOT to share info between devices. In this post we will simulate a communication between...

Tag spring

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Spring upload and download files to S3 with localstack

In this post we are going to create an example of REST Controllers for upload and download files in AWS S3 using LocalStack.

Undertow metrics with Spring Actuator

This post is intended to show a possible solution to provide metrics of Undertow with Spring Actuator (Micrometer). Undertow provides its own metric collector, but we have encountered one issue...

Custom deserialization in Spring

This post try to resolve a problem where given a REST service with a already defined API, we want to add new API that uses the same service and without...

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j and Spring

When a remote service is down the Circuit Breaker pattern prevents a cascade of failures. After a number of failed attempts, we can consider that the service is unavailable/overloaded and...

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Logging Requests and Responses in Spring (including body)

Recently we have found some problems trying to log a complete Request and Response in a Spring Application. When we talk about a “complete Request and Response” we are indicating...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag logging

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Logging Requests and Responses in Spring (including body)

Recently we have found some problems trying to log a complete Request and Response in a Spring Application. When we talk about a “complete Request and Response” we are indicating...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag request

Logging Requests and Responses in Spring (including body)

Recently we have found some problems trying to log a complete Request and Response in a Spring Application. When we talk about a “complete Request and Response” we are indicating...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag response

Logging Requests and Responses in Spring (including body)

Recently we have found some problems trying to log a complete Request and Response in a Spring Application. When we talk about a “complete Request and Response” we are indicating...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag java

Logging Requests and Responses in Spring (including body)

Recently we have found some problems trying to log a complete Request and Response in a Spring Application. When we talk about a “complete Request and Response” we are indicating...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag body

Logging Requests and Responses in Spring (including body)

Recently we have found some problems trying to log a complete Request and Response in a Spring Application. When we talk about a “complete Request and Response” we are indicating...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag undertow

Undertow metrics with Spring Actuator

This post is intended to show a possible solution to provide metrics of Undertow with Spring Actuator (Micrometer). Undertow provides its own metric collector, but we have encountered one issue...

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag RequestDumpingHandler

Logging of Requests and Responses in Spring with Undertow (no body)

In this post we’re going to configure Undertow as embedded server in our Spring Boot Application. Then we’ll trace in logs all the requests and responses of our controllers.

Tag asyncresttemplate

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Tag apache

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Tag factory

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Tag HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Tag site not found

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Tag 404

AsyncRestTemplate returns 404 (Site Not Found) with Apache HttpComponents

When you create an AsyncRestTemplate, Spring uses SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory by default which depends on default configuration of HttpURLConnection. This implementation doesn’t have connection pooling.

Tag resilience4j

Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j and Spring

When a remote service is down the Circuit Breaker pattern prevents a cascade of failures. After a number of failed attempts, we can consider that the service is unavailable/overloaded and...

Tag circuit breaker

Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j and Spring

When a remote service is down the Circuit Breaker pattern prevents a cascade of failures. After a number of failed attempts, we can consider that the service is unavailable/overloaded and...

Tag mongodb

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Tag cluster

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Tag replicaset

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Tag docker

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Tag mongo

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Tag docker-compose

Spring Data Mongo using Mongo Cluster with Docker

In this post we are going to talk about how to configure a MongoDB Cluster in local using docker-compose and how to use it with Spring Data Mongo.

Tag log4j

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Tag log4j2

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Tag async

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Tag memory

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Tag leak

Async Log4j2, memory leak?

Recently in a project that we are been working on, we found a significant increment in the boot time of a Spring Boot application. This happened when we activated asynchronous...

Tag reactive

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag performance

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag mvc

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag webflux

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag mono

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag flux

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag stack

Reactive vs Non-Reactive Spring Performance

The goal of this article is to compare the performance between Spring MVC (Non-Reactive) and Spring WebFlux (Reactive). For this task we have taken into account three differents implementations:

Tag batch

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Tag integration

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Tag aws

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Tag remote

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Tag partitioning

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Tag chunking

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Spring Batch AWS Series (I): Introduction

This entry is the first in a series of posts about how to process different steps in Spring Batch remotely. In this project we are going to use Amazon SQS...

Tag sqs

Spring Batch AWS Series (III): Remote Partitioning

In this post we are going to implement our second step using remote partitioning strategy. The goal of this step is to calculate the next probable prime given a number....

Spring Batch AWS Series (II): Remote Chunking

In this post we are going to implement the first step of our Spring Batch AWS Series using Remote Chunking. This step will send a chunk of numbers and the...

Tag psm i

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag psm

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag scrum

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag scrum.org

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag master

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag professional

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag certification

Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I)

A few days ago I passed Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) exam in scrum.org. This post pretends to be a reference path to pass the exam sucessfully based on my...

Tag jackson

Custom deserialization in Spring

This post try to resolve a problem where given a REST service with a already defined API, we want to add new API that uses the same service and without...

Tag custom

Custom deserialization in Spring

This post try to resolve a problem where given a REST service with a already defined API, we want to add new API that uses the same service and without...

Tag deserialization

Custom deserialization in Spring

This post try to resolve a problem where given a REST service with a already defined API, we want to add new API that uses the same service and without...

Tag objectmapper

Custom deserialization in Spring

This post try to resolve a problem where given a REST service with a already defined API, we want to add new API that uses the same service and without...

Tag json

Custom deserialization in Spring

This post try to resolve a problem where given a REST service with a already defined API, we want to add new API that uses the same service and without...

Tag metrics

Undertow metrics with Spring Actuator

This post is intended to show a possible solution to provide metrics of Undertow with Spring Actuator (Micrometer). Undertow provides its own metric collector, but we have encountered one issue...

Tag actuator

Undertow metrics with Spring Actuator

This post is intended to show a possible solution to provide metrics of Undertow with Spring Actuator (Micrometer). Undertow provides its own metric collector, but we have encountered one issue...

Tag micrometer

Undertow metrics with Spring Actuator

This post is intended to show a possible solution to provide metrics of Undertow with Spring Actuator (Micrometer). Undertow provides its own metric collector, but we have encountered one issue...

Tag s3

Spring upload and download files to S3 with localstack

In this post we are going to create an example of REST Controllers for upload and download files in AWS S3 using LocalStack.

Tag localstack

Spring upload and download files to S3 with localstack

In this post we are going to create an example of REST Controllers for upload and download files in AWS S3 using LocalStack.

Tag upload

Spring upload and download files to S3 with localstack

In this post we are going to create an example of REST Controllers for upload and download files in AWS S3 using LocalStack.

Tag download

Spring upload and download files to S3 with localstack

In this post we are going to create an example of REST Controllers for upload and download files in AWS S3 using LocalStack.

Tag coding

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag ipad

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag coder

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag cloud

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag free

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag tablet

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag github

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag gitlab

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag codespaces

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag gitpod

Coding on iPad

Since iOS 13 added the possibility of using keyboard and mouse, the iPad has become a good device in which to do programming. This post pretends to give some options...

Tag boot

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Tag starter

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Tag data

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Tag multiple

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Tag database

Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo with multiple databases

In this post I am going to talk about how to configure multiple databases using Spring Boot Starter Data Mongo which is configured by default to support just one database....

Tag kubernetes

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Tag k8s

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Tag raspberry

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Tag pi

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Tag k3s

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Tag home-assistant

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.

Tag kubectl

Raspberry Pi Cluster with Kubernetes

The goal of this project is to create a HomeLab Server to deploy our own applications using a cluster of Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes.